For modifications to the neighborhood: Firstly, to make sidewalks, roads, and alleys more friendly, green space will be added in areas where the corner of buildings now exist, allowing greater visibility from the ground, and diagonal paths will be added between the new building edges and the green space to shorten, and diversify ground circulation options. , Measured, increased height limits will compensate for the lost ground area, allowing
occupable square footage to stagnate or grow. Other specifications for new buildings will be required in order to compensate for disadvantages of increased height, including requisite glass areas, and also, allowances for height provided the other facade materials provide higher reflectivity, ie. marble shard infused concrete, etc. Further diagonal small and larger scale circulatory interventions, ie. roads, paths, interchanges... in the neighborhood and larger vicinity in the city would help provide more services, more locations in general, more easily reachable, to whichever given location.
Additional green-space is to be located, if not in and around every road (each of which should be paved with some greener alternative to asphalt), around all the main roads and highways, especially between now and the time when auto emissions become truly negligible (not in the near future, I would say... unfortunately).
A resource, but also a curse to this neighborhood is the nature of Chicago itself, a huge metropolitan commuter region, Logan Square sits betwixt the heavily trafficked Route 90 Interstate highway, and the NW, Metra Line, featuring Healy Metra Station, both of which, not only interrupt the city fabric drastically, but which emit noise and particle pollution into the neighborhood an vicinities, along with the heavily traveled main roads going East to West, specifically Fullerton Ave.
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